One of the things that everyone has to deal with is how to easily "clean up" after a night of lovemaking. The best thing to use is an old, but clean long-sleeve T-shirt!

Take the body of the shirt and lay it gently between her legs to prevent "wet spots" on the sheets.

She turns on her side and he spoons up behind her.

He takes one of the sleeves and places it over his member to soak up any wetness that is left.

They can curl up together and talk about each other or their favorite lovemaking activities

Here's to more passion in your bedroom and in your life!


Posted by Jack Wilder | 9:26 PM

The Earliest Secret to Successful Lovemaking

After New Years, I was looking through some of my favorite websites and came across an article with information that was completely new to me. That is fairly
unusual as I consider myself an expert in lovemaking positions and lovemaking in general. It is information that may be completely obvious to the women on
this special mailing list, but I assure you that it is nearly unknown to the gentlemen.

Ladies - if it is obvious to you, you need to tell your guy. We had no idea!

Old news - women take longer to warm-up and become sexually excited than men. Men are visual and a glimpse of skin here or there is enough to get us going or at least interested. Women generally take longer and need to have feelings of love and partnership to really get in the mood. There are exceptions, but these trends are generally accepted and hold true.

New News - foreplay starts with the the "Honey Do List"! I am sure that there are different names for it in different countries. In the US, it is called the "Honey Do" list. This is the list of things that the wife or girlfriend wants the husband or boyfriend to do around the house or the apartment. Is also the
list that most of the men postpone till they are forced or the woman begs or yells to force the issue.

Leonard Felder is a psychologist in Los Angeles and wrote about this at some length in his article, "Did You Know the 'Honey Do List' is the Beginning of
Foreplay?". The link is .

He had a man and woman in his office that were having trouble. The woman turned to her husband and said, "...didn't you know that the 'honey do' list of
chores is the beginning of foreplay? If you help out with the childcare or cleaning up after a meal or changing a light bulb, I start thinking of you as a
great protector , a loving partner, and a reliable source of strength. That usually starts my sense of intimacy to begin heating up at bit, especially if you
pitch in voluntarily BEFORE I have to beg or get all bitchy and fed up, which invariably shuts down any sexual feelings I might have been starting to build."

Ladies, if this is obvious to you, make sure your man knows it. Do not take advantage of it, but you could turn it into a game. For every hour he spends
cleaning up, he gets an hour of your undivided attention. Do not use it every time, but a few times can help him get the idea.

Guys, if you are trying to get more of her time to try out some of the many lovemaking positions at and having trouble with begging, pleading or demanding, stop it! The more you try, the worse it gets. I imagine that this is old news for some of you.

Instead, spend some time nurturing her and the relationship. Paint the house, help her wash some dishes. Do some of those un-manly things that you can't brag to the guys about, but she can brag about you!

The only problem -

Make sure that you do not do so many chores that you are too sore or too tired for later activities!

May all your problems be that easy to solve.
