Posted by Jack Wilder | 12:30 PM

The other day I saw a cool idea for a position that I have not seen anywhere else. I will make up a page for it, but I thought I would share the idea now.

You need a very sturdy, washable, padded bar stool at his hip height, a non-slippery floor and a fairly fit couple. When I tried it, I did it with the bed behind her, so if she fell, she just landed on the soft mattress. New sex positions are cool and can be really exciting, but you should always be careful on the first few tries.

Start out with her sitting on the stool. Kissing and petting are good at this point! Slowly sliding his hands under her robe as she runs her hands up and down his back is a great way to start the evening!

When you are both ready, she skoots (technical term) her bottom to the front edge (toward him) and lifts her legs while leaning back a little. Guys, you can help by placing one hand behind her neck to keep her balanced and use the other hand to help lift one of her legs.

If she can place her legs over his shoulders, so much the better.

He enters as she either places her legs over his shoulders or around his hips, whichever is more comfortable.

Now comes the difficult, but really cool part.

He grabs the bar stool and tips it toward him. She should be pressing slightly into him.

This is the part where the sturdy stool and the non-slip floor come in. Do not attempt if there is a chance the the stool could collapse or slip out from under you.

Her weight is still held up by the stool, but he can easily move her forward or back.

Her arms go around his neck and his hands can go around her lower back or hips.

Girls, you will feel like you are floating and making love at the same time. You can take him really deep with your legs over his shoulders or lessen the depth and get your clitoris into the act by wrapping your legs around his hips (good for urging him on at the critical moment as well)!

Guys, you are control of everything else. You can increase or decrease the speed. Try thrusting and holding for cool effects. If you have one hand free, you can stroke her breasts or slowly run your hand up her thigh for some take-your-breath-away feelings.

He will also like that he is standing - no weight on knees or shoulders.

There is a high likelihood that she may climax in this position. Cool huh!?! Her clitoris is up against him, there is little strain on her (she is flying) and she is curled forward, which often makes it easier for her to come.

If she does climax, she may temporarily loose her strength. Gentlemen, it is up to you to make sure she stays safe. She may lose her grip on her shoulders. So if you see her nearing the top, shift your hands so they support her higher on her back. Tilt the stool a little more so that her weight is against your hips (good idea for earlier in the session as well).

Make sure it does not slip (the stool!) - bad form to let your climaxing partner fall on the floor! Also hard to explain at the emergency room as she is getting her broken arm set!

This is a great position. She feels like she is flying and making weightless love. He just has to balance the stool and move her back and forth against him. You could do the same with a sex swing, but this is quicker to get in and our of and you don't have to explain the heavy duty hook in the ceiling to your friends.

You can get hurt if the stools slips or collapses, so if you have any doubts, do not attempt it. If you do, it is at your own risk.

As always, be passionate and be safe.
