Posted by Jack Wilder | 8:21 PM

I do not normally look at the horoscopes. There may be something to them or not. I was looking at the Yahoo page and I clicked on the horoscope link by accident. I was about to click away, but I glanced anyway.

The article was by Mark Lernener at He said -

"Anytime Venus and Mars form one of these powerful alignments, romance can receive a jolt. The question is whether that jolt is positive or negative. Much depends on your current outlook on life and if you can handle the daily pressures that are a natural part of working in harmony with a loved one."

Timeless advice, whether it is due to Mars and Venus or not. Life brings may things that can affect your love life.

My wife once broke her collar bone when our daughter was only a month old. She ended up in an upper body cast for 3 months and had to move back to her parents (4 states away) so that they could take care of the baby while she mended.

There was post-partum depression, general depression in that she could not care for our first-born, physical discomfort and loss of sleep (ever tried to sleep with a cast from your waist up?)

I drove to see her and our daughter every other week and was finally able to bring them home about this time of year.

When she got home, the bone had healed, but her arm muscles were nearly useless from being in the cast. She could barely take care of the baby and could barely fix meals.

She could barely lift her arm to brush her teeth and washing her hair was out of the question.

To say that our romance took a jolt would be an understatement, but just as Mark says, the outcome depends on your outlook on life.

Every few days, we would put our daughter to bed and I woud run a bath for the two of us. I made sure the bathroom was warm and brought in candles, 2 glasses of wine and shampoo.

She would sit in front of me, facing away and we would talk about how wonderful our daughter would be as she grew up, we would drink the wine and I would wash her hair, taking our time to enjoy the candlelight, the soapy water and the feeling of washing her hair.

After drying it, we would prop up pillows to find a comfortable lovemaking position and have a great time together. No hanging from the chandeliers, but wonderful, reconnecting love.

Keep in mind that we were living in a small apartment, the money was low from all the medical and travel expenses and our daughter still had a bit of colic and would interupt us from time to time.

It was a time that would either make us or break us. Our outlook was that this was a very tough time, but would make a great story one day that could help other couples see how to get through a tough time.

We still light candles around the tub from time to time and I still enjoy washing her hair (and you can bet she enjoys me doing it)!

The holidays, no matter what holidays you celebrate can be a time of tension as well as celebration. If you and your special someone have a hard time during the season, remember that the outcome will be a reflection of your outlook.

Make sure you schedule some private time together to get away from the inlaws and family to stay connected to each other. Find your favorite lovemaking positions and spend some quiet time together.

If nothing else, get some candles, some wine and shampoo...

Tell everyone your are just trying to save water...
